So last week we got notice that the science fair is this Tuesday!!
Now, I knew there'd be a science fair so you'd think I could just start whenever and be prepared right? No, the teacher has to approve the projects and she won't do that until the date is announced.
This is one reason I really dislike this school. They think one week is more than enough notice for big events. We have to prepare the experiment and a poster describing it.
So, we chose a baking soda volcano. Today, we created the volcano. We used a water bottle with a half cup container (from single serve applesauce) in the top. Then we built around it with newspapar and papier mache. Now it's drying.
Tomorrow we'll figure out how to paint it. I've considered just gluing leaves and grass to it, but dh and ds don't seem to like that idea.
I guess we'll have to buy posterboard. I have no idea what to put on the poster. I guess a pic of it before it's painted, maybe a pic of a similar water bottle and half cup container.
Then? I don't know. We'll make it up as we go along.
Frugal Science Fair
April 10th, 2006 at 03:21 am
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April 10th, 2006 at 03:02 pm 1144677731
Awful nice of them to give you enough time to plan things...(written with just a touch of sarcasm).
Good luck at the science fair!