Home > Frugal garden containers

Frugal garden containers

April 9th, 2006 at 06:45 am

Crown Tire planters:

(image copyrighted and used by permission)

Crown tire planters are nothing new. People have been doing them since the 50s. They are harder now with radial tires, but still possible.

To start:
1) cut one wall of the tire into zigzags

2) (this is one that having another person will help) turn the tire inside out

3) paint.

If the tire is still on the rim, this can be easier and creates a stand.

Line the tire with weed control fabric and then fill with soil and plant.

I had several of these in OKC. The one above is from my front yard.

DH and the master gardeners created ours. The first one took some time, but after that, they managed to do them in 15 minutes or so.

2 Responses to “Frugal garden containers”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    How beautiful...and what a great way to recycle....I am going to show DH and see if he can make me a couple!! Thanks Cerci!

  2. markio26 Says:

    i used to use them for flowers too... we have two filled with ground cover for a divider in our back yard between the neighbor's yards.. beautiful picture by the way!

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