Home > DH had to work today

DH had to work today

March 26th, 2006 at 01:17 am

and he'll have to work tomorrow.

It's part of his job and he's salaried, so there's no extra pay for this.

BUT, he brought home tshirts for us, caps for the kids and 7 coupons for free blizzards (small) from dairy queen. I think we may have to use some next week. There's one that can be on our way home (I just have to take a different route).

The tshirts have a nice design, but they put it on the back. I HATE that. If there's a pretty design, I want to be able to see it and see people's reactions to it. If it's on my back, I can't see either.

1 Responses to “DH had to work today”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    open the neck of the T shirt and turn it around. Just be careful how much you trim, as the fabric stretches as soon as the band has been cut off the neck.

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